Sunday, June 18, 2017

Becky doing photography.

It is so cool being married to a photographer.  She finds the most beautiful, interesting places to go.  And it's fun to watch her work.

A few weeks back we went hiking up Rib Mountain.  Found a pond in a quarry.  

And found some cool ferns to take pictures in.

Typical photographer poses at Red River Park.

One of my favorite pictures of Becky and Tabby.  Still at Red River.

Lots of cool mushrooms to photograph at High Cliff State Park.

Also a tree that fell in Lake Winnebago at the park.


  1. Very meta... as in, "I never meta photographer I didn't like! Hey-ooooh!" (Ugh! I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't.) It's a classic case of "Who watches the watchmen?" Oh, wait, lemme class that up by putting it in the original Latin: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" Well, maybe I should change it to something more like "Who photographs the photographer?" Darn, do they have something like that in Latin, so I can seem smarter than I really am?... Um, I'm getting way off the trail and falling into the weeds--Ouch, the thistles! Oh, is that stinging nettle I'm laying on? Yup, I guess so...

    Anyhoo, your post reminds me of one of my favorite pictures I ever took, in which I took a photo of someone taking a picture:
    That's right, I took a picture of Lou "The Incredible Hulk" Ferrigno taking a picture of Nichelle "Uhura" Nichols for a fan at the Chicago Comic Con about 10 years ago. All I needed was someone taking a picture of me while I took this picture... and so forth until the snake finishes eating its own tail.

    Considering most of the pictures you took are in back of Becky, one could say it is a real "behind the scenes" in the life of a photographer. Ugh! I'll show myself out after that one...

  2. Nice picture man. I think it's hilarious that they're standing in each others' booths.
