Monday, May 16, 2011

Diet Programs

On a LinkedIn forum board for the United Health Group Career Network a participant asked for input about diet programs. She had read the Consumer Reports ranking of Jenny Craig as best and wanted input from other people's experiences. I started to respond and quickly got a much longer entry than appropriate for a message board. So I'll put it here instead. Here's my experience with a weight loss program.

I think it's important to recognize that while "eating lifestyle" is the correct term to use when describing one's "diet", when weight loss programs use the term "eating lifestyle" it really is a euphemism for what we generally understand as a "diet". In order to get the results most people want from a diet, the change in eating lifestyle is going to be pretty drastic.

For example, when I did Weight Watchers, rigorously following their suggested point system, I changed my eating lifestyle from nearly 3000 calories a day to about 1600. In the support sessions our instructor talked about how great it was to be in control of our eating habits, to be able to put whatever we wanted on our menus, even going out to restaurants. The reality was that my eating habits changed dramatically. There were foods, like peanut butter, fried cheese, candies, that I love eating, but pretty much cut out because I couldn't eat them and still adhere to my point allocations.

I was hungry all . . . the . . . time . . . and cranky. I seriously learned to empathize with dogs growling at anyone coming near their food bowls. The relationship between diet and exercise was introduced a few weeks into the program, but I couldn't wait. I read ahead to figure out how many extra points I'd get and started exercising just to get them because I wanted the extra food so badly. And it was hardly anything! Like an extra 1/4 cup of refried beans or something, but man! At that few calories per day, those beans were magical.

My results were fantastic, though. I dropped from 220 pounds to 170 in about six months.

Then I dropped out of the program. The aspect of Weight Watchers I most appreciated was the education about the relation between diet and weight. Common sense stuff put into easily understood explanations and illustrated through application. I understood it, was happy with my results and didn't want to pay for support sessions anymore. So I decided I'd solo the maintenance program. I did okay for a while, but over the next 3 years or so got progressively more lazy about following it and slowly crept back up to nearly 200 pounds.

Consumer Reports lists Jenny Craig as the best diet program in part because after two years particpants were down an average 8%. Looking at my results as a percentage, they look pretty good. Remember I started Weight Watchers at 220 pounds, so 200 pounds is still down 9%. However, in actual numbers, not exactly the results I want.

Another thing Consumer Reports liked about Jenny Craig was that 2 years into the program, 92% of the participants were still with it. Obviously, dropping out after six months, I wasn't still in Weight Watchers after 2 years. By that time I had totally stopped calculating points. I don't think I gave any serious consideration to my eating lifestyle anymore. I've got to say, if Jenny Craig has developed a system that motivates people to stay with it long term, then maybe they do deserve the Consumer Reports ranking. I think the Consumer Reports senior program editor's comment rings most true: "Of course, the best diet for you is the one you can stay on."

With that in mind, and maybe there is part of the Weight Watchers education contributing to my capacity to accomplish this, as I approached 200 pounds I was motivated to change my "eating lifestyle". I will never again change it as drastically as I did while participating in Weight Watchers. I was miserable. I hated it. As wonderful as my results were, I also gained a profound appreciation for the role food plays in our society. How enjoyable it is to not just eat, but to share in the eating experience socially. However, I can also be careful about my portions. Eat smaller meals, light snacks, that type of thing.

And the lifestyle change should definitely include exercise. The best exercise program is going to be one you can stick with, too. So once I get an actuarial job and get settled into a place where I know I'll be long term, I want to get back into martial arts. In the meantime, based on my sister's review of the program, I've been doing Tony Horton's "In Home Boot Camp" from Beachbody. Since mid-January I've dropped about 10 pounds. Not quite the drastic results I got following Weight Watcher's program, nothing that's going to get me on any before and after infomercials, but I'm a lot happier with the small change and at least I'm going the right direction.

I never want to discourage someone from following a weight loss program they're interested in. Despite my avowal to never do it again, I am very glad I did participate in Weight Watchers. So there it is. That's my experience.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tabby Tales

Would you believe that cute little girl, was puking her guts out just a couple hours earlier? I got up this morning to find the poor thing crouched outside my bedroom door shivering like the dickens. I wrapped her in a blanket and cuddled her until she said, "Dad, I need to throw up in the toilet." Very calmly. No hurry. Just, "hey, Dad, fyi . . ."

About 15 mins after that was done, "Dad, I'm hungry for breakfast. I want a bagel."

"A bagel is kind of heavy, Tabby. I don't want you to throw up a bagel. How about some toast? Toast is light."

"Um. Well, toaster strudel is light, too. Can I have some toaster strudel?"

We settled on a small bowl of cereal.

After breakfast she ran downstairs laughing and spent the next half hour or so dodging the nerf darts her brothers were shooting at each other across the basement while she gathered up the darts and brought them back so Sam and Ben could reload and keep going.

I think she's fine now. We're staying home from church anyway just to be sure we don't turn the kids' primary into a disease hub.

The other day at work a shift manager named Gigi came in and asked, "Hey Jack, do you have any more stories about Tabby to share?" And guess what? I did! Which got me to thinking I should share them here, too. I mean, they're not real involved stories, just cute little things she's done.


Like she hates it when I get called in to "Pizza Work", as she calls it. I'm not sure if she actually hates Pizza Hut. She gets real excited when we drive by. "Dad! It's your Pizza Work!" But she likes it when I'm home to put her to bed. Probably just because sometimes I'm not here for it, I get to be her favorite when I am. So those evenings when I'm on call and have to phone in to ask if I'm needed Tabby always assures me, "They're going to tell you to stay home and play with Tabby."


It's getting nice here most days. Like up into the 60s. Sometimes, anyway. Well, the other day it got up to 70 degrees out. Tabby was out playing on our back porch, blowing bubbles. I was watching from the living room. She left the porch, went out of sight, so I walked to the door to check on her and saw Tabby lounging on the lawn.

"Tabby, what are you up to?"

"I'm just sitting here. On the grass." Then she sprawled out backwards throwing her arms wide and grinning, "It's Spring, Dad! See our leaves!"


Garage sale season is in full swing. That Tinkerbell nightgown Tabby's wearing up there? $1 at a garage sale. I don't think our little girl has ever had a nightgown and she sure was excited to get one. To get that one! "Dad, I have a nightgrown." She always put the r in there and pronounced it like rhyming with "growl". Instead of telling her she was doing it wrong and trying to correct her, I decided to try aggressively modelling it and see if she'd catch on. So I just started rhyming it with "down" and fell into chanting

Nightgown, nightgown
Tabby's going to lay down
Down, down into bed
Tired little sleepyhead.

Tabby loved it and started repeating it with me. Sure enough, in about 10-15 minutes she was saying it correctly.

Well, she loves the nightgown so much, I had to put a picture of it here.

"Tabby, should we get a picture of your nightgown on the computer?"

"Yes! Take a picture of me flying!"


"Yes! Like Tinkerbell!"

So there it is.


As we were looking at pictures on the camera we came across some Becky had taken of Tabby following me while I mowed the lawn. Every time I turned, Tabby would squeal and run away behind me to follow again. Tabby declared this picture was her "fravorite" (anyone know a word to rhyme with "favorite"?) and we had to post it, too. So here's another.