Sometimes on Saturdays I like to go into work. I don't just do it, I actually like it. I'm not sure I accomplish much. I'm certainly not there very long, but it's kinda' nice. I use the fitness facilities, head to my desk, work for an hour or two, then go grab a relaxing lunch while I read for a bit, then head back home. It's quiet, relatively productive time that is mine. No one telling me what I have to work on or where I have to be, just me doing what I want.
This Saturday turned out to be exceptionally cool. Checking my e-mail I found one sent about 1/2 hour earlier from Randall Tupper asking simply, "Want to come down and join us for games today?"
Yeah! I sure do. Called Becky to make sure nothing was up today, wrapped up the files I'd started testing and headed out for Sheboygan. In Sheboygan I grabbed a sub at Jimmy John's and actually caught Jackson at work there. It was cool to see him.
It was Randall, Pat, Josh & Josh's wife Becky. We played two games. First was a "quick" game of Tiny Epic Galaxies. Roll dice to move ships to cards representing planets, gather resources, or colonize said planets, get points. It was fun. Not as quick as we'd planned, but it was the first any of us had played it so it was learning game. Second was Clockwork Wars. It was the first time Becky or I had played it, the rest had played once before. Hexagonal map, each tile generating either resources or points. Each turn generate resources you use to buy action or take actions that either capture tiles or use the tiles for points. No die rolls involved. Simply unit placement on a board with only minimal movement of those units once placed. Fun, fun game.
Saturday was an awesome day.
1 day ago
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