Tuesday morning I got up to shovel us out so I could go get Ben and then head to work.myself.
Wasn't happening. After an hour or so, I cleared the driveway enough to back out to the road. I hoped I could get to the ruts in the snow where some SUVs & trucks had driven past ... but even in that I got stuck. I managed to unstuck myself in only about 15 mins, then took another hour or so to finish the driveway.
Helped dig out neighbors, helped unstuck some of their vehicles.
About 10:00 Ben called to say a coworker's parent could get out of his drive and had offered to drop off stranded lifeguards at their homes. About 10:45 the plow finally cleard our street. Ben was dropped off about 10 minutes later while I was clearing the skred from the bottom of our driveway.
After helping a couple neighbors again I finally got back in the house just past noon.
Man, I am still sore.
1 day ago
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