It just wouldn't be summer without waterskiing with Uncle Mikey.
Or without Becky taking us on excursions to beaches. Or other settings to snap pictures. Though I suppose that's not unique to Summer. Just more daylight hours to capture in the Summertime.
One such excursion took Tabby and her friend, Ella, to Cave Point. Apparently there's a trail that we never before followed to its end. Which is a shame. At its end there is a really cool beach covered with rock piles.
I mentioned that Tabby got mice, right? Her albino is named Cornflower. She also has a black & white named Springald.
Reading Redwall, Of course!
Tabby turned 9!
This year, they choreographed dances with sparklers.
Early August there is a national safety day, or something like that, on which neighborhoods are encouraged to hold activities and invite community emergency responders as a kind of get to know you thing. Ashwaubenon is a great community, I really like our neighborhood and that we do this is one of the reasons.
The highlight is when the firetruck comes by and foams up a lawn for the kids.
My nephew Ryan graduated from high school last year. In August he held his graduation celebration at Eau Claire Dells.
Mid August, the Ore to Shore Bike race happened. I had to work this year, but Sam, Ben and Tabby all went up to the UP Michigan with Becky. They hiked around some,
Played at the cabins,
and of course, saw the race.
Tabby's annual pictures turned out fabulous.
The last week of August, Santiago Yrayzoz arrived from Spain. Or from Paris, actually. He's from Cรกdiz, but lives in Paris. That first day we drove out down the river to visit the dam in De Pere.
The next week Becky took him, Ben and Tabby to meet up with Ryan Chadderdon at Eau Claire Dells again. Probably her very favorite place to photograph.
First day of school!
First weekend of September was the annual Kite Festival in Two Rivers. Jackson and Sam came up to hang out with us at Neshota Beach.
At dusk, Becky had fun playing with ghosted images.
On Labor Day we hung out at Bay Shore Park for a bit.
Santi plays soccer. His first game here was in Sheboygan, so Becky & Tabby took the opportunity to go visit Jack for a bit, then watch Santi's game.
They won, like, 5-0. In fact, the team is in third place in the conference now at 8-2. Which is spectacular considering that they only won 8 games total last year.
September 10th was advancement testing in Tae Kwon Do. See the girl on the left here, getting ready to kick that guys butt? That's Michelle, she lives up the street from us and Tabby absolutely loves her. Michelle walks our neighbor, Mary Ann's dog every morning and hangs out with the kids at the bus stop for a bit with the dogs. Turns out she's taking TKD too!
A bit after she tested, us white belts got our turn. Tabby & I both passed and will get our yellow belts next time we have class.
Woo hoo, Chon ji!
Showing off our side kick form!
One step sparring.
September 11th the student exchange program held an orientation at Peninsula State Park in Door County.
Awwww, man... Summer's almost over already. :-(
ReplyDeleteWell, at least it looks like y'all had some good times! :-)
We really did, man. And from our perspective (not yet empty nesters), Summer being over really isn't all that bad.
ReplyDeleteFor me, it is more the literal Summer being over: shorter days, colder weather, driving through snow and ice. Bleh. Apparently, I'm in the wrong part of the country to avoid all that.
DeleteWe made the mistake of taking a family vacation to Hawaii in February about 5 years ago, in that once you go to paradise, returning home to winter again is depressing.
If I were smart (and I've never bee accused of such), I would have run out of the airport toward the beach, yelling "You'll never take me alive!" I'm pretty sure living homeless in Hawaii is a step up from having a house here in Minnesota.
Que Frank Sinatra's "My Way"--"Regrets, I've had a few..."