I found a whole bunch of pictures I've been meaning to post and never got around to. Starting back before Jack even went to Basic Training.
Then when he came back for a few days at Christmastime.
Becky got some cool winter shots at Bayshore park ...
And Baird Creek.
Becky and Tabby spent New Years in Michigan with Sherry's family.
Feeding the ducks at Bayshore Wildlife Sanctuary is like a spring ritual now.
Tabby needed a picture of her fish for class.
Selfie! Kinda' ... Becky set it up, anyway. I think Sam hit the button.
On a cold, cold valentines day Becky and I drove out to door county looking for a park she had heard of where she could get sunset pictures. We didn't find the park, but found a boat launch at sunset. After about two minutes taking pictures in -30 F temperatures, we called it good enough.
Winter's last gasp.
Breaking out the spring weather gear ...
Even though there's still ice on the water. Becky got this one published in the Green Bay Press Gazette.
One evening Becky was out driving in the country, looking for photo ops and found a flooded field. The guy that owned it was, like, "you really want to take pictures of my field? Whatever trips your trigger, lady." Trigger tripped.
Just this past week Becky did a fun photo session with some friends from church. Made the red hooded cloak and the wolf costume herself and thought of the perfect little out of the way building in the woods. It's actually a religious shrine out behind UWGB.
Tabby in our neighbors' back yard. He also was like, "I guess you if you really see something worth photographing, go ahead." Becky has a real eye for finding places to frame the right shots.
Finally, Jack came up for Mother's Day yesterday.
17 hours ago
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