Saturday, August 17, 2013

Even MORE pictures!

One of Becky's best subjects is, of course, Tabby.

She also likes taking pictures of Tabby & me holding hands.


Remember that Becky likes taking pictures at Fonferek Falls?  We went hiking around there as a family once.  Or a couple times. This is one of them.

We saw a snake there.  I guess this is an eastern milk snake.

Becky found some nice spots out by the zoo.

One day we visited Jack in Sheboygan.

Becky invited a family from church, the Raus, to come out to Bayshore park with us for pictures one evening.  As she was taking their picture by a tree she turned and caught this one of me.  Then promptly told me to get out of the way, she was moving the Raus there to get a picture of them before the sun disappeared.

Early in the photography class Becky just finished (with a solid A!) she had an assignment to capture an emotion without showing faces.  10 of them.  That was a challenging creative endeavor.  Becky worked very hard and did an awesome job.  Here are a few.  I especially like this first one of Tabby in line for the ride at Bay Beach.

Of course, while at Bay Beach, Becky also took some pictures that were just for fun rather than for class.

For her midterm assignment (I think?) she had to pick a community related theme and create a portfolio of pictures showcasing it.  Becky picked the Fox River as her theme.

Another assignment Becky had was to take a picture of anything... like these next two of kids playing in a fountain or Ben sitting on a river bank at Pamperin Park.  Then she had to change the picture from something normal to extraordinary by altering something such as lighting or perspective.

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