Becky has been itching to get out and take some pictures. So for our date night we decided to just go out walking with a camera and see what she could find.
We started at Pamperin park, a nice park with a playground, disc golf course, hiking trail and stream through the middle of it all. It was beautiful. There was a white heron type of bird in the stream that was kind of skittish. It flew away upstream just far enough that we could still get pictures. Even better, it landed near a second bluish bird that seemed to be the same type which we had totally missed because of how well it blended in with the rocks. It was really cool watching the two of them pluck fish out of the stream. They got enough used to us that Becky was able to sneak in pretty close.
After a good while watching the herons we decided to drive on home. Even just driving out of the park was cool. We saw another white heron and two more blue ones further down the water. Over a copse of trees near the park exit there were another three herons flying graceful circles low over the treetops.
Then as we pulled out onto the road to leave, Becky gasped excitedly and pointed off to the eastern horizon where a large, pale pink, full moon was just climbing into the sky. We drove quickly downtown to the Neville Museum parking lot on the Fox River to try and capture the moon rise over the Green Bay skyline. Turns out its tough to capture a good photo of the moon.
Of course, that didn't stop Becky from taking pictures. It was absolutely gorgeous by the river. A cool breeze blew off the water. The sunset behind us reflected like brilliant flames off the windows across the Fox. The only sounds nearby were the wind in leaves overead and fish splashing in the river at our feet. In the distance we could hear the hum of traffic crossing the Main and Walnut street bridges just up and down river from us. On the opposite bank the downtown club district was just starting to life, the energetic joy carrying faintly over the distance.
We hung out until the sun went down and it was really a beautiful, beautiful evening.
1 day ago
Thank you for sharing your beautiful night. I love Becky's pics, as always....
ReplyDeleteThese pictures here are just a handful I selected as my favorite because there are too many to post them all. Oh man, this set was soooo fantastic. It was incredibly hard to narrow down. I mean, I was there, I saw the images Becky was photographing as they happened, right? But I still literally gasped at how beautiful the collection was a day later paging through them for the first time.
ReplyDeleteWhen you guys come up you'll have to take an afternoon at the computer to sift through our folders of pictures. Becky has taken some taken some amazing ones and she just keeps getting better. Have Tabby sit down with you to do it. Enough of the pictures are taken of Tabby that she just loves looking through them.