Ashwaubenon. Southwest suburb of Green Bay. Out towards the airport. Great access to the highway. About 10 mins from work (compared to 20 mins from the northeast side of Green Bay). 4 BR, 2 bath place on a quiet street. We close on June 29th and plan to move in the 2nd weekend in July.
Becky, Tabby and I are very excited. It's going to be our own home! Tabby absolutely loved house hunting. The realtor hardly had to sell the houses at all . . . she just let Tabby go to town telling us who would have which room and why it was the perfect place for us. Every house we looked at. So, of course, Tabby is thrilled that we are buying "her favorite".
Sam and Ben have mixed feelings. They're both happy to exchange their current crowded bedroom that all 3 boys share for each of them getting their own room. They're both unhappy about moving away from friends they've made the past two years.
Becky feels guilty about that and is very, very concerned about how they'll adjust in their new schools. I'm afraid they have a somewhat unsympathetic father. I moved going into 9th grade and again going into 12th. I was disappointed with both moves at the time we made them. But I got through them just fine. That second one, my family left Wisconsin for Arizona my senior year of high school. Even at the time, even not liking it, I recognized that with only one more year at home my own interest in the move took a back seat to everyone else's. Looking back with the experience of being a parent, I don't think badly about it at all. That first move? The one when I was closer to Sam & Ben's ages? In 9th grade from Utah to Wisconsin? One of the best things that ever happened to me, I think.
On top of that, when my family moved, it was a 1500 mile distance. No internet. Mail took a week to deliver. Long distance phone calls were prohibitively expensive. I really was losing friends. Sam and Ben are moving 10 mins across town in the age of instant messaging. I think they'll manage just fine.
Jack really doesn't care at about this move. He's leaving, hopefully, in June to live with some friends in Sheboygan.
1 day ago
Congrats Jack! Your friends back here in Sheboygan are happy for you!