Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good News!

I got a job working for United Health Care as an Associate Actuarial Analyst. From what I understand, I'll be working with their rate engines. I'll find out more on 9/12 when I start.


  1. Super! Yay! Woo-hoo! Hooray! Yippee!

    - Feel free to throw in any other superlatives you can think of here -

    Love you bunches!

  2. Hurray! Well done, Jack!

  3. So super excited for you! Congrats big time!

  4. Jack! Can we get a quick update? How is everything going???

  5. Oh man, I know I've been awful about updating. I'll eventually get to a post.

    But things are going well. I like the new job. Mostly just been doing new employee orientation things and testing a new rating system front end. It's kid of odd being on the user side of testing. You know, watching things break and there's nothing for me to do but document it.
