Apparently I have fans. So I'd better write something. I appreciate the kick in the butt. Even if it was anonymous.
I had quite the time signing up for the probability actuarial exam. The exam in in January, so I figured I'd register for it a couple months ahead of time. So I searched, and searched for ways to sign up online. On I found a page for online registration, but it only listed registration for the November exam. Which was closed. I found the registration deadline was December 9th, but as much as I looked, I couldn't find any way to register for it.
As we got closer to the end of November I actually tried to contact people. I sent e-mails to the "contact us" link on Found an e-mail for the president of the Wisconsin Actuarial group and asked him how to sign up. No responses. So I just found myself hoping that onine registration for January's exam would open up once November's exam was done, i.e. after 11/30.
Sure enough, 12/1, online registration opened up. 12/1 - 12/9 seems like kind of a small window to me, but who asked?
In any case, I'm signed up now. Class finishes up next week. Now I just have to find some sample exams.
1 day ago
Way to go - looks like you are right on top of things. I hope all will continue to go well with getting ready for your exam. And no, I did not leave the anonymous comment, even though I do check for new posts 3 or 4 times a week. :)