Unexpected. I was totally blaming the Tea Party for the Boston Marathon bombing. For creating a such a toxic political environment against the U.S. government, against such a basic level of support as paying taxes. With the revolutionary rhetoric they use it's only a matter of time before some unstable nut decides he's tired of talking and takes some action. The bombing in Boston is exactly what I would have expected. You know, making a statement in Boston. On tax day.
I was totally expecting some lone wolf Ted Kaczynski or Timothy McVeigh type. I guess it wouldn't have surprised me if it were an Al'Qaida attack, but we've been doing such a good job staying on top of foreign terrorism, that it seemed less likely than a domestic terrorist.
So listening to the news this morning and hearing it was a couple of Chechnyans?! Wow. Just . . . Left. Field. I mean, I guess it's still possible they're associated with Al'Qaida or even the Tea Party, somehow. Those seem less likely though, now. It will be interesting to hear the details of how the plot unfolded.
17 hours ago