We have a wonderful neighbor named Mary Ann. She gave Tabby a Disney Princess guide that, since she got it, we have read every night. In the Jasmine chapter it says the Jasmine didn't want to "marry a silly, dull prince". When Tabby remarked on it I asked her, "Do you want to marry a silly, dull prince?"
"No," she answered, "a handsome one. A handsome, fuzzy, soft one like you."
Yay, fuzzy soft Dads . . . but that's not actually what I'm writing about.
On Saturday we went to Sheboygan to visit Jack. I mean, Jack was there. We actually went to meet his cats, Kit and Mordecai. Mordecai is Jack's cat and Kit is his roomate, Justin's. They are adorable. Visiting them reinforced that there is no way we could own one. They were bothering Becky immediately and within the first 1/2 hour she was having trouble breathing. Somehow I seem to have contracted Becky's allergy, too. By the time we'd been there a couple hours, I could feel it in my lungs.
Our kids loved them, though. They all played with the cats a bunch and had a great time. The boys played video games for a while, we ate lunch then went to McDonald's for dessert. Justin joined us for lunch and McD's. Tabby just adored him, hung on him, insisted on having the same dessert he did. It was very nice visit.
16 hours ago