Sunday, July 22, 2012


On July 29th we moved into our new home. 

A bunch of people from Green Bay 1st ward came over on the evening of the 7/28 to help us load up our truck.  It went incredibly smoothly, mostly because Becky had spent the last month of so getting us ready.  Everything that could be was boxed up and in the garage.   I came home early, picked up the truck and Sam, Ben, Tabby and I moved the smaller boxes on.  Yes, even Tabby helped!  She was excited to help!  By the time people from church arrived all we needed moved on was the big stuff.  Couch, piano, table.

On the morning of the 29th a bunch of people from Green Bay 2nd ward came over to help unload the truck.  Enough that, again, it went incredibly smoothly.  Except for our couch.  It simply would not fit through any entrance.  I mean, if we took off the front door it would fit through the doorway, but couldn't make the immediate corner it needed to get past the closet.

We didn't do much unpacking, just what we needed to use immediately and what we needed to take with us on vacation.  Because we left on the July 2nd.

7/2 Drive to Lincoln

7/3 Visit with Becky's Grandma Muggy for an hour or so.  Drive to Laramie

7/4 Fourth of July with Sherry's family.  No fireworks in Laramie, booo.  But they still had their big community Fourth of July celebration and that was a lot of fun.

7/5 Drive to Salt Lake City.

7/6 - 7/8 Marsh Family Reunion.

We Stayed at Joel and Kirsten's place. 

Tabby and Elizabeth discovered they both like Disney Princesses and were immediately best friends.

A bunch of us hiked some moderate difficulty trail.  Moderate difficulty means it was harder than a long walk, it included some scrambling over rocks and there weren't, like, signs or anything, but it wasn't really hard hiking.  Except that we took four year olds.  So I went up mostly of the way with Tabby on my shoulders.  Most of they way down was steep enough I couldn't to that so she walked it, but down was easier.  Fun even getting hoisted over the steeper parts she couldn't make.  Then back on my shoulders for the last 1/2 mile or so.  Yes I'm whining.  But it was pretty.  The falls at the top of the trail were nice.  Jenny and Eric were nice enough to wait for Becky, Tabby and me.

My brothers, sisters and our spouses went out to eat one evening to a Mexican place called the Red Iguana.  Fun dinner.

We spent a morning at some park. Copper Park, maybe?  Right at the foot of Kennecot Copper Mine, anyway.  Played some games.  Played on the playground, took pictures, saw a WWII monument with my Grandpa Marsh's name on it.

That afternoon the kids went to water parks.  Teens to Kowabunga Bay, younger kids to the Kearns Community Center.

The hightlight of the trip for Tabby was the evening we went to Jeremy & Leah's.  Leah had a couple of neighbors bring over their horses and everyone got to ride those two, Loco and Maverick, along with Leah's horse, Ginger.  Most of the cousins stood in line for horse rides, took their ride and went off to play.  Tabby got her ride, jumped back in line for another.  Then back in line again and again and again until they finally had to tell her rides were over.

 Played Dominion (brought by the Penrods) with my brothers, Ben, Mark, Marcus, Isaac, Adam and Joseph.  Fun game.

Went to church with my parents.

7/9 Looong day of driving back to Lincoln.

7/10 Visited another hour-ish with Grandma Muggy.  Drove back home to Green Bay.

As we were getting ready to leave I mentioned to Tabby were going to our new home in Green Bay and she asked, "Can we just call it our home now?"

Yes we can.

We've actually been in the house close to two weeks now if you exclude our vacation time.  Most everything is unpacked.  Becky's Dad came up yesterday and we got some stuff we needed worked on finished . . . like a gas line that needed capping, an outdoor faucet replaced.  Little things that you notice want doing the first week you're in a new place.  There are a few more, like the mailbox wants straightening, the yard needs weeding.  We'll get to them.

We're back into our routine.  At least our summertime routine.  I go to work.  Becky has Tabby signed up for swimming lessons.  The boys play on the computer and do chores Becky assigns them.  Last night Becky and I actually went out for our Friday movie.  We saw Snow White and the Huntsman at the budget cinema.  We liked it.